Purchasing power data and socio-demographic data can be displayed on a map of China using the following area boundaries: Counties and City Districts.

China Purchasing Power, Socio-demographics & Area Boundaries

Socio-demographic data, purchasing power data and area boundaries can be used to perform a variety of data analyses about China.

A Variety of Purchasing Power and Socio-demographic Data for Counties and City Districts in China

Here is an overview of sociodemographic and purchasing power data for China from our global data offering to bring your geomarketing, target group analyses and location analyses to the next level. Additionally, for China we also have the following area boundaries (vector boundaries, polygons) available: Seamless and full country coverage of the Counties and City Districts. Our globally consistent and comparable data allows you to draw comparisons between China and any other country in the world.

Data that can currently be licensed from mbi for China

Each attribute or geographical level can be licensed individually.

Geographic level
Area levelAdministrative
NameCounties and City Districts
Number of areas2850
Data / Variables
Age bandsYes/Available
Sex / GenderYes/Available
Purchasing powerYes/Available
Retail SpendingYes/Available
Consumer Spending by Product GroupsYes/Available
Households by Income QuintilesYes/Available
Education (country-specific)Yes/Available
Households by Type (country-specific)Yes/Available
Marital status (country-specific)Yes/Available
Consumer StylesYes/Available
Online-Shopping AffinityYes/Available
Socio Bundle PlusYes/Available
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  • = available
  • = not available

Harnessing MBI’s Geodata for Strategic Insights in China

China, with its unparalleled scale, rapid urbanization, and regional diversity, encompasses everything from bustling urban centers to remote rural areas. To operate successfully in one of the world’s leading economies, it is crucial to understand China’s complex geodata landscape. This includes the areas of geomarketing, GIS, expansion planning, spatial analysis, and risk management. MBI’s geodata offerings provide an unparalleled resource for businesses and organizations aiming to leverage spatial data for strategic decision-making in this dynamic market.

Geographical Levels and Products

MBI’s geodata covers China’s administrative levels, Counties and City Districts. This level provides critical insights into population dynamics, socio-economic trends, and spatial configurations, supporting a range of applications from the bustling megacities to the remote rural areas.

Country-Specific Insights

China’s rapid urbanization and economic growth present unique opportunities for leveraging MBI’s geodata. For instance, understanding consumer styles and purchasing power across different counties can significantly enhance retail expansion strategies. With a high affinity for online shopping in urban centers, businesses can tailor their marketing and distribution efforts to maximize reach and efficiency. Moreover, the detailed demographic data segmented by age bands and gender enables businesses to create targeted marketing campaigns and develop products that cater to specific demographic groups. For example, a company launching a new line of children’s products can pinpoint areas with a high concentration of young families, optimizing their marketing efforts and improving ROI.

Use Cases

An FMCG company might leverage population and household data to set realistic sales targets for new product launches. They can predict potential market size and adjust their marketing and distribution strategies accordingly.

By analyzing consumer spending by product groups and retail spending data, a luxury goods retailer might uncover untapped market potential in mid-sized cities. This insight drives their decision to open new stores in these underserved areas, capturing new customer segments.

Why Use Geodata from MBI for China

In conclusion, MBI’s comprehensive geodata offerings provide invaluable resources for businesses and organizations operating in China. From detailed demographic insights to economic indicators and consumer behavior data, MBI equips decision-makers with the tools they need to navigate China’s complex and dynamic market landscape effectively. Whether for market analysis, strategic planning, or operational optimization, MBI’s geodata is the key to unlocking new opportunities and achieving sustained growth in China.

Advantages of our administrative Boundaries

  • Worldwide, seamless coverage of postal and administrative boundaries
  • The layers are topographically correct and country borders fit seamlessly together without overlaps and gaps
  • Data and areas can be easily combined in one layer thanks to a unique key, enabling cross-country analysis
  • Constant updates guarantee a current data status
  • The vintage compatibility between the MBI boundaries and the MBI Sociodemographic and Purchasing Power data is guaranteed
  • Simple update by uniform layout of the layer names
  • The higher-level area hierarchies are included with the boundary files
  • Digital boundaries are in a vector format to allow visualization in any zoom levels

Smart Combination

The territorial vintages of the worldwide area boundaries are compatible with our globally consistent and comparable socio-economic data. We offer you the best basis for well-founded and data-based decisions. If desired, we can integrate the MBI data directly into our digital boundaries. So, you can load them directly into your system without any additional steps and use them immediately.


Europe | North America | South America | Asia | Oceania | Africa


• Postcode Level
• Administrative Area Level
• Small Area Level



Text file (CSV/TSV) | KML | Access database (MDB) | Excel (xls) | Esri Shapefile (.shp) | Esri Geodatabase (.gdb) | MapInfo (.tab) | MapInfo MIF/MID | more on request



Easy access to a variety of MBI data
• Datalink Desktop
• Datalink Rest API



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Our experts will be happy to advise you individually and without obligation on which data you can use to create added value for your company and realize savings.

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