Upcoming brasilian market
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New dataset for the upcoming brasilian market
Small Area boundaries (setores) and combined sociodemographical data for BRAZIL
Despite the international financial and economic crisis, Brazil is the sixth-largest economy in the world and remains an attractive market for investors. High economic growth, records in external trade and investment as well as significant increases in employment are showing the good condition of the Brazilian economy.
Facts for Brazil
Digital boundaries: approx.315.800 census sections / setores
Sociodemographical data:
- Inhabitants (for example: Average number of inhabitants per area/census section/setores: Sao Paulo 615 inh. / Rio de Janeiro 575 inh.)
- sex
- age (15-year age bands)
- number of households
- purchasing power
For use in a GIS (Geographical Information System) we can provide you the digital area boundaries in almost all standard formats e.g. *.tab for MapInfo Professional or shape (*.shp) for ESRI ArcGis and ArcView.