MBI World Postcode Point File
MBI Global Postcode Points
Key Features
- Postcodes with coordinates for more than 305 000 points
- Including place name
- Covering a 141 Countries
- Includes Fips, iso1 and iso2 abbreviations
- Domains e.g. .de,
- Currency
- International dialling codes
There are various types of World point file and gazetteers that are used to look up a geographic name and find the geographical references where the corresponding features are shown. Some gazetteers provide information about places and features. Some lists of geographic names are available as hierarchical term sets designed for information retrieval. Many other examples could be cited — for local areas, for other countries, and for special purposes.
There is remarkable diversity in approaches to the description of geographic places and no standardization beyond official sources for the geographic names themselves. As most countries Worldwide make use of a postcode system. We at MB-International have developed a Point file gazetteer, focusing the emphasis on the Postcode rather than the place name, thus causing a reduction in points but generating a key identifier for almost all addresses.
Lookup for WEB and (LBS) Location based services as well as transport and logistic applications. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system integration. It is possible to geocode your own data files and to join up all your existing address files by matching them with the Postcode.
Please feel free to contact us should you need more information.