
Webinar in German – The Ukraine crisis and its potential impact on businesses

In light of the extremely tense situation in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, as well as a multitude of conflicts worldwide, the corporate management of political risks is noticeably gaining in importance. That’s why we’re teaming up with the Funk Group – one of Europe’s leading insurance brokers and risk consultants – to host a webinar on the Ukraine crisis and potential effects on businesses.

You can expect the following content:

  • In-depth overview of the current situation in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine
  • Introduction of three potential scenarios for the further course of the conflict and their implications for companies
  • Outline of preventive and reactive measures, especially in the area of crisis management
  • Opportunity for further and more in-depth questions and dialogue during a Q&A session

Participating in our webinar will provide you with:

  • Deeper understanding of the relevance of the Ukraine crisis and potential impact on your own company/industry
  • Understanding of the need for professional handling of this conflict and political risks in general
  • Facilitation of a dialogue in the area of political risks as well as holistic risk management

We offer two different dates for you to participate in our webinar:

Wednesday, February 16th 2022
10am – 11am CET
Sign up and save your spot

Friday, February 18th 2022
10am – 11am CET
Sign up and save your spot


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